What is it?


The truth of the matter is that the ice cubes in our freezers are cloudy and unattractive! The high capacity ClearlyFrozen ice tray employs "directional freezing" to make ten 2" glass-like artisanal ice cubes overnight with untreated tap water in an ordinary freezer! Clearly Frozen created an ice cube tray that is able to still conveniently fit in your freezer. But unlike a normal ice cube tray makes beautiful clear ice cubes everytime!

The directional freezing process pushes dissolved minerals and impurities out of your ice. This keeps that freezer/refrigerator smell out of your drink, making them taste better! Clearly Frozen’s Clear Ice Cubes not only taste better but they dilute your drink at just the right rate and keep your drink ice cold! The 2 inch size of Clearly Frozen's Ice Cubes matches the industry standard for drinks typically served on the rocks, i.e. DRINK EXAMPLE This means your drinks will come out tasting and looking just like the ones from your favorite high end bar!


How does it work?

In order to have that perfect cloud free ice cubes-You need to carefully control how the water freezes. When you see a body of water such as a lake freeze over, you will see clear ice forming over the water, this is because the freezing process is controlled. The water freezes top-to-bottom, because the lake is insulated by the earth. All of the air bubbles and impurities are pushed down and are the last to turn to ice. Unlike a regular ice cube tray, you likely have in your freezer now. Where the ice cubes are being frozen from all sides at the same time. The "directional freezing" process pushes the air bubbles and impurities to the bottom of the cube and through the hole at the bottom of the tray, leaving you with ice as crystal-clear as your glass. The difference in appearance between Clearly Frozen’s Tray and the regular way of freezing ice cubes becomes very apparent, when looked at side by side


Why Clearly Frozen?

Clear ice can be a hassle and cost a ton of money. There are expensive mechanical alternatives that are bulky and take up a lot of space in the kitchen or you need to be a part of an ice delivery program where you are delivered a large block of clear ice and are left to pay someone to cut it up for you. This not only costs you money but takes up a lot of time. Clearly Frozen’s Directional Freezing Ice cube Tray is only 37.99. No more buying expensive machines that end up breaking and are impossibly expensive to fix. No more cutting up ice cubes! Now you have a convenient way to make clear ice without all the hassle and money.



Never serve a dull drink again or have them cost you a fortune! With Clearly Frozen’s beautiful AFFORDABLE, Clear Ice cubes. Whether you are a housewife, a Foodie or a Bar and Restaurant owner Clearly Frozen’s Ice Cubes are one of a kind. Follow Clearly Frozen’s Blog Clear Ice Life. For fun and interesting ways to use your Clearly Frozen Ice Cubes. Other trays on the market produce a smaller cube, can cost much more and have less cubes per tray. Clearly Frozen’s Ice Cube Trays are great for home use, and for craft cocktails in high end bars and restaurants.

Totally unique - makes a perfect gift for:

A housewarming gift!

A home bartender!

A yankee swap!

A holiday grab or other occasion!

That person who has everything!

And it won't end up being re-gifted!



Clear ice isn’t only better looking than cloudy ice. It is a better quality water in your drink as well. Directional freezing pushes out not only the visible cloud of dissolved air in the water, but virtually all other impurities. It can even reduce the ambient bacteria count in the water from which it is made by 99%. And, unlike cloudy ice, it is completely non-porous and won't absorb odors while stored in a freezer!

“It’s a huge aesthetic difference that can’t be discounted,”

“It’s a huge aesthetic difference that can’t be discounted”

“Styrofoam cup versus crystal glassware. It makes for a completely different experience.” -Camper English


 Common Misconceptions about Clear Ice


Whether it be Youtube or Google. There are many fallacies made about clear ice.  Simply changing the type of water you are using will not create clear ice. You must have the right technology such as Clearly Frozen’s Clear Ice Cube Tray to find success in making clear ice cubes.   

Here are a few common misconceptions:

  1. If you use bottled water you will create clear ice cubes. FALSE

2. If you use distilled water you will create clear ice cubes. FALSE

3. If you double boil water you will create clear ice cubes. FALSE


Benefits of Clearly Frozen’s Ice Cube Tray Vs Other Brands


Easy to use!

Better Quality!

Better Quantity! 


Lifetime Cooler Guarantee!

Fits in almost any freezer! 

If your liner or cooler breaks we will replace it!